Saturday, September 8, 2012

Colin and Crew's First Birthday

They liked playing with the balloons.....

and they LOVED eating watermelon! 

Time for cake

 (I think Ainsley may have been a little more excited than the boys were!)

They actually stayed fairly clean!

Don't worry,  Colin's not completely naked behind that ball :)

Thank you so much to everyone who came and helped out and brought the boys gifts! It was such a fun party and we were so happy to have you all there!!

To finish off the night, Nick was a hero and climbed on the roof to rescue a child's toy....doesn't he look so manly up there?

Not so manly on the way back down though! Thank goodness for John and Brian's help getting him back down!

The funny thing is, the toy wasn't actually even up on the roof. We found it shortly after Nick got down. :)

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